Entire place in Yankeetown
  • 6 Guests
  • 1 Bath
  • 2 Bedrooms

Skip the crowds and “Follow That Dream” to your next adventure. Experience the Shiny Crab, a funky-fun 1930s fishing cottage where old world charm meets new world creature comforts. Enjoy the beautiful setting with nicely appointed amenities, one-of-a-kind artwork, a game room, and custom furnishings. The Shiny Crab is nestled in the historic town of Yankeetown, where Elvis filmed “Follow that Dream”.

This short term rental agreement (the “ Agreement ”) is made by and between:
KAJUKA PROPERTIES, LLC and ______________________________________(“GUEST”) as
of the date last set forth on the signature page of this Agreement. For good and valuable
consideration, the sufficiency of which is acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as follows:

FULL AGREEMENT: This Lease agreement contains all agreements, promises and undertakings
between KAJUKA PROPERTIES and GUEST, and there are no other or oral agreements,
promises or undertakings of any kind or nature. No oral agreements, promises or undertakings
hereafter made shall be binding upon either KAJUKA PROPERTIES or GUEST unless reduced
to writing and signed by both parties, and this Lease supersedes any and all prior agreements
between the parties relating to the Premises.

PROPERTY : The property is located at

TERM: . The term of this lease is for_____ NIGHTS beginning _________ and ending _________
RENT . GUEST shall pay $___________ rent for the term of the agreement together with, $
___________ cleaning fee, $Pet Fee, $ Application Fee and
________ State and Local Taxes (%) for a total of $_______ Payable % at
signing of lease balance due ____ days before arrival. If the premises are available KAJUKA
PROPERTIES may extend lease on a daily basis for an additional $
____ per day rent, plus
tax, paid in advance. Interest charged at a rate of 18 % per year on unpaid balance of rent,
damages, attorney fees, court costs and any other charges due.

DAMAGES Guest agrees to pay all costs and expenses, as determined in the sole judgment of the Kajuka Properties,
of repair or replacement for any and all damages of whatever origin or nature which may have occurred during
the term of the stay. All damages and charges will be charged to GUEST credit card on file.
VACATING: At the expiration of this agreement or any extension, GUEST shall peaceably
surrender the premises and turn in all keys and other property owned by KAJUKA PROPERTIES
leaving the premises in good, clean condition, excluding ordinary wear and tear. The GUEST’S
obligation to observe and perform the Lease covenants shall survive the expiration or any other
termination of the term of this Lease.

ATTORNEY’S FEES: In the event any dispute arises under this Lease between KAJUKA
PROPERTIES and GUEST, the prevailing party in such litigation shall be entitled to collect
reasonable costs and attorney’s fees, at trial and on appeal..
Guest Initials _______

SEVERABILITY: In case that any part of this agreement should be declared void or invalid, this
will not have any effect on other parts of this agreement, which can be in effect without the invalid
terms; and therefore, the terms of this agreement shall be deemed separable.

INDEMNIFICATION : GUEST agrees to reimburse KAJUKA PROPERTIES upon demand in the
amount of the loss, property damage, or cost of repairs or service (including plumbing trouble)
caused by negligence or improper use by GUEST or by invitees of GUEST. GUEST at all times,
will indemnify and hold harmless KAJUKA PROPERTIES from all losses, damages, liabilities and
expenses which can be claimed against KAJUKA PROPERTIES for any injuries or damages to
the person or property of any persons, caused by the acts, omissions, neglect or fault of GUEST,
or the agents, family or guests of GUEST, or arising from the failure of GUEST or the agents,
family or guests of GUEST to comply with any applicable laws, statutes, ordinances or

HURRICANE: If you are traveling between May and December, please note that this is hurricane
season. KAJUKA PROPERTIES is not required to rebate rent in the event of a voluntary or
mandatory evacuation. There are no warranties, KAJUKA PROPERTIES liabilities, or weather

SUBLET : The property or any part thereof may not be sublet or this agreement assigned without
the written consent of KAJUKA PROPERTIES .

ADDITIONAL RULES: The reservation is confirmed with the understanding that you will adhere
to the rules and regulations set by any individual condominium, homeowner associations, and the
Kajuka Properties Handbook/Welcome Guide.

TRASH/RECYCLING: All rules in the welcome guide referring to pickup schedule, storage of
bins, and any fines associated will be billed to your security deposit in the case a fine is levied.

MAINTENANCE/INSPECTION: GUEST agrees that the premises have been fully inspected and
accepts the condition of the premises with no warranties or promises express or implied. GUEST
shall maintain the premises in good, clean, and tenantable condition throughout the tenancy, use
all electrical, plumbing, heating, cooling, appliances and other equipment in a reasonable
manner, removing all garbage in a clean and sanitary manner. In the event GUEST or GUEST’S
invitees cause any damage to the premises KAJUKA PROPERTIES will repair same and GUEST
shall pay for the expenses of same on demand as additional rent. In the event a major repair to
the premises must be made which will necessitate the GUEST’S vacating the premises will
terminate this agreement and GUEST agrees to vacate the premises holding KAJUKA
PROPERTIES harmless for any damages suffered, if any. GUEST shall notify KAJUKA
PROPERTIES immediately of any maintenance or repair needed, in writing. GUEST agrees to
immediately test any smoke detector and maintain same. In the event of equipment malfunction
at the property we will expedite repairs as quickly as possible. It is your responsibility to advise us
immediately of any condition or maintenance issue that you discover at the property upon your
arrival. This will prevent from having to charge you for damages that were not incurred during
your stay. No rent adjustment can be made for circumstances beyond our control or malfunction
or loss of use of equipment or amenities.
Guest Initials _______

EMERGENCY RIGHT OF ENTRY: KAJUKA PROPERTIES has immediate right of entry in cases
of emergency, or to protect or preserve the premises. GUEST shall not alter or add locks. Any
authorized employee, licensed sales agent, or repairman may enter the premises during
customary business hours for any purpose related to the repair, care, improvement, and
management of the premises.

for any items left at any property. If by inspectors and/or cleaning staff, returns will be held at our
office or returned to you at cost plus a handling fee. GUEST acknowledges there may or may not
be exterior cameras present for security purposes only. Notwithstanding such, GUEST
acknowledges and agrees KAJUKA PROPERTIES is not liable in the event of any camera
malfunction. GUEST is aware and understands that KAJUKA PROPERTIES is not responsible or
liable for any of GUEST’S personal property present on premises of Property. All GUEST
personal property shall be at the risk of the GUEST. KAJUKA PROPERTIES shall not be liable
for any damage to said personal property of the GUEST arising from criminal acts, fire, storm,
flood, rain or wind damage, acts of negligence or any person whosoever, or from the bursting or
leaking of water pipes.

CONDEMNATION AND ACTS OF GOD: If for any reason the premises are condemned by any
governmental authority, or destroyed through fire, act of God, nature or accident, this rental
agreement shall cease and shall terminate as of the date of such condemnation or destruction
and GUEST hereby waives all claims against KAJUKA PROPERTIES for any damages suffered
by such condemnation or destruction.

FALSIFIED RESERVATIONS : Any reservation obtained under false pretense will be subject to
forfeiture of advance payment, deposit, and/or rental money, and the party will not be permitted to

CANCELLATION: GUEST may cancel reservation in writing without obligation and is entitled to a
full refund of any payments made, less a $250.00 cancellation fee if cancellation is received at
least ____ days prior to GUESTS scheduled check-in date. Any cancellation received less than
sixty days prior to arrival date shall not receive any refund

NSF CHECKS: There is a $50.00 handling charge for any checks returned due to insufficient
funds. If for any reason it becomes necessary for KAJUKA PROPERTIES to initiate litigation to
enforce these terms and conditions, the GUEST shall be liable for all costs of such suit, including
reasonable attorney’s fees.

RADON GAS: Radon Gas is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that, when it has accumulated
in a building in sufficient quantities, may present health risks to persons who are exposed to it
over time. Levels of radon that exceed federal and state guidelines have been found in buildings
in Florida. Additional information regarding radon and radon testing may be obtained from your
county public health unit. KAJUKA PROPERTIES makes no representations about the existence
of radon gas on the subject.
Guest Initials _______

MAXIMUM OCCUPANCY: ____ GUESTS. Additional overnight GUESTS in excess of agreed
number will result forfeiture of all payments including security deposit. GUEST attests that he/she
is over 25 years of age.

SMOKING. The accommodation provided is a non smoking unit. GUEST will be responsible for
additional housekeeping charges of $500 resulting from smoking in the unit.

FURNISHINGS: GUEST understands that the accommodation is a privately owned dwelling with
the owner’s furnishings and neither KAJUKA PROPERTIES nor the owner will be responsible for
providing any additional furnishings not available at the property.

PETS: In the event that a GUEST has a pet(s) at a property where pets are not allowed; this
action will cause forfeiture of all payments including security deposit, and GUEST will be required
to vacate the property immediately and GUEST will be liable for any damages caused by said
pet(s). Pets will be allowed ONLY if written permission is granted by KAJUKA PROPERTIES and
GUEST will be fully responsible for the actions of said pet(s). All pets are subject to approval.

EXCLUSIVE USE OF PROPERTY: Use of premises is strictly limited to private residential
vacation activities only. No part of the property may be used for any kind of trade or business
purpose by either the GUEST , or family members, or GUESTS. GUEST must vacate the
property and return it in proper condition and without any property damages to KAJUKA
PROPERTIES . GUEST must use all appliances and other technical installations of Property with
proper care and diligence. Improper use of appliances and/or damages to these will be charged
to GUEST . GUEST confirms and understands that Property may not and will not be used for any
kind of drug dealing activity, drug use and consumption, money laundering operations, organized
crime or any illegal activity whatsoever. GUEST is not allowed to store/keep/handle on premises
of rented Property any dangerous, combustible or explosive items, or materials with such
characteristics, or materials which could unreasonably raise the probability, risk or danger of a
fire, or materials that are considered dangerous or highly dangerous by the responsible insurance
agencies. GUEST is obligated to keep the Property secure. At the time of check-in KAJUKA
PROPERTIES will explain all locks and security installations and proper use; all damages
resulting from carelessness or misuse will be charged to GUEST . GUEST shall maintain the
premises in a clean and sanitary condition and not disturb surrounding residents or the peaceful
and quiet enjoyment of the premises or surrounding premises. Any damage to the property
resulting from the negligent use of the property, improvements thereon, appliances and fixtures
shall be charged to GUEST.

QUIET ENJOYMENT: GUESTS agree not to violate quiet enjoyment and privacy of the
surrounding properties. KAJUKA PROPERTIES is not responsible for the actions of other
property owners in the area.

PEST CONTROL: Properties are treated for pests by contracted pest control companies.
KAJUKA PROPERTIES will use its best efforts to address pest control concerns, but is not
responsible for rebates due to the presence of pests, infestations, or in the event of untimely
service by pest control companies.
Guest Initials _______

HOUSEKEEPING: There is no daily housekeeping service. Linens and bath towels are included
and refreshed per stay; daily maid service is not included in the rental rate. Garbage is collected
by local authorities at the curb of the front portion of the property. GUESTS are responsible to
collect garbage and set it by the side of the road for pickup during stay.

CHECK IN/CHECK OUT: CHECK IN is no earlier than 4PM upon arrival. CHECK OUT is no
later than 10AM on departure. I agree to vacate the premises on the day and time indicated in
the agreement and to the check in and check out times listed above. I also give permission to
remove personal items remaining in the unit to honor subsequent reservations and be subject to
late departure charges of ½ days rent.

DEFAULT : In the event of nonpayment or in the event of any breach of any of the conditions,
stipulations, promises or covenants as set forth in the Lease, the GUEST’S right of possession of
the leased Property shall forthwith terminate with or without notice or demand and the retention or
possession thereafter by the GUEST shall constitute an unlawful detainer of the leased Property.
In such event, the GUEST shall become a GUEST at sufferance, thereby waiving all rights of
notice to vacate said Property and KAJUKA PROPERTIES shall be entitled to re-enter and retake
possession immediately of the leased Property with or without legal proceedings.

JOINT AND SEVERAL: If more than one individual, firm or corporation shall join as GUEST , the
covenants of GUEST shall be the joint and several obligations of each party signing as GUEST ,
and when the parties signing as GUEST are partners, the covenants shall be the obligation of the
firm and of the individual members thereof.

SHORT TERM RENTAL: GUEST represents and warrants to KAJUKA PROPERTIES, and
KAJUKA PROPERTIES acknowledges and agrees, that it is their intention that GUEST’S
occupancy will be temporary. The parties agree that this Lease shall not be governed by chapter
83 of the Florida Statutes but is governed by Chapter 509 of the Florida Statutes for Leasing and
Food Services.

BINDING AGREEMENT: GUEST acknowledges there is no rescission period once this Lease is

SWIMMING POOL ADDENDUM: This Agreement waives any and all liability of KAJUKA
PROPERTIES , LLC, for any use of the swimming pool with adjoining heated whirlpool spa on the
property. If reservation is purchased through a Travel Vendor, this document will be outlined in
the house rules and considered signed by accepting those house rules and purchasing the
If children other than your own will be staying with you please print out a copy of this agreement
to have their parent sign, non completion signifies your acceptance of their liability.
I, the guest, wish for myself and my child(ren) (if applicable) to utilize the services, facilities, and
swimming pool/spa offered at the property. I hereby agree that the use of the services, facilities,
and swimming pool/spa is voluntary and at my own risk. As a condition of my/our use of such
services, facilities, and swimming pool/spa, I on behalf of myself, our heirs and assigns and my
child(ren) (if applicable) expressly agree to forever discharge, waive and release KAJUKA
Guest Initials _______

PROPERTIES, its owners, management, and employees from any and all claims, demands,
injuries, damages, actions, or courses of action, for all acts of active or passive negligence on the
part of KAJUKA PROPERTIES on account of bodily injury, mental injury, death and/or property
damage from, any mishap, accident, loss, damage or injury suffered by my child(ren) or myself or
others resulting from, connected with or caused by the use of KAJUKA PROPERTIES' services,
swimming pool/spa and facilities, including, but not limited to any injury resulting from mechanical
defects or failure of any equipment or devices used in such services, swimming pool or facilities.
I declare and affirm that I and my child(ren) (if applicable) am in good medical and physical
condition and that the use of KAJUKA PROPERTIES' services, facilities, and swimming pool/spa
does not pose any danger to my or my child(ren)'s (if applicable) health.

Pool Rules:
● All users must shower before entering the pool or spa.
● Guests under 18 years of age must be accompanied by parent or guardian at all times.
● No Lifeguard on duty, participation is at your own risk.
● No alcohol is allowed in the pool or on the pool deck.
● No glass or metal containers are allowed in the pool, spa or the surrounding areas.
● All accidents and maintenance/repair needs must be reported to KAJUKA PROPERTIES.
● Diving is not permitted, as serious injury, paralysis or even death could occur.
● Diapered children require a swim diaper
● No swimming after 9pm or when it is raining/thunderstorming.
● People with open wounds or infectious diseases are not permitted in the pool or spa.
● No running, pushing and horseplay on wet deck areas.
● Pregnant women and children under the age of 5 are not allowed to use the spa, and all
other persons under the age of 18 must be accompanied and closely supervised by an
adult while in spa.
● Keep gates and doors to pool area closed at all times.
● Pool covers should be completely removed prior to pool use.
● No animals in the pool area.

I understand and agree that my use of KAJUKA PROPERTIES' services, facilities, and swimming
pool/spa may be immediately terminated if my and/or my child(ren)'s behavior is not in
accordance with the above.
Guest Initials _______

The parties agree to the terms of this Short Term Rental Agreement, as evidenced by the
signatures set forth below.
Guest Name: ________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
Phone #: ________________________________________________
Signature: ________________________________________________
Date: ________________________________________________
Signature: ________________________________________________
Date: ________________________________________________
Kajuka Properties LLC
PO Box 9094
Bradenton, FL 34206
1- 800 -941- 1274
Guest Initials _______

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Sleeping arrangements

1 queen bed

1 sofa bed

2 single beds

  • Wifi

  • Air Conditioning

  • Free Parking

  • Cot

  • Kitchen

  • Washing machine

  • Dryer

  • TV

See all amenities

Things to know
  • Check in: 4:00 PM - 11:59 PM
  • Check out: 12:01 AM - 10:00 AM
  • Free parking
  • License or tax ID: DWE5105356

Cancelation policy

If you cancel your reservation you won't get a refund.